Say hello to the

The Life Audit


Not ready to take the leap and join the academy but you want to get started in your own journey?

Unlock the life you imagine through the life audit workshop. Learn how to conduct an audit, gain clarity, and learn the foundational pieces to start the process of building your dream life.

Redeem Your Gift

Welcome to your special training, The Life Audit Workshop.

This virtual interactive session is dedicated to help you make progress on building a life you love ! <3

You are getting a $500 value workshop at a special discount because I love ya! Check out below to see the special rate made just for you.

3 Day Virtual Workshop 

Join the fun, vulnerable, and introspective sessions that are bound to keep you hooked. This is a beautiful opportunity to be introspective and walk away with at least thinking about life from a refreshing lens That's like freshwater from a lake on a hot summer day. If you aren't a lake person, chlorine water from a badass waterpark that you love.

Walk Away With the foundational Process to start living your dream life sooner.

This might be the thing you have been searching for. A new way to redesign your current life to fit the dreams that burn deep down in that big ol' heart of yours. I center and call you to the main stage of your life as the actress and queen that you are. In the workshop, we reflect a little and we evaluate to make strategic and heart-lead moves from this type of self-reflection, self-growth, and maybe even self-healing.


Get A Head Start On Building A Life You Love RIGHT AWAY <3

Calling all the Women of color who are ready are ready to LIVE their dream life.

The foundation of ensuring that you are on the path of living your dream life is trying to live as much as you can today and tomorrow. 

There are many elements that would be best to consistently experience now because we all know that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Two key aspects must be included in your unique dream path and that is the fact that you have an innate desire of experiencing the ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment. At least that is something that is front and center in my workshop here.

For some of us, there have been people that tell us that everything that we desire is outside our reach or unrealistic. We should stop dreaming because that is never going to happen.

I'm here to tell you that is not true failure is not defined by materialistic means. 

Failure is not following your mind, heart, body, and soul.

Failure is not following your dreams and settling for less than what you want.

I'm here to tell you that dreaming big and having a desire to live your dream life is a radical act of liberation. Life can be small for those who choose to settle and in my corner, we want it all. 

We want love.

We want endless joy.

We want endless satisfaction.

We want more leisure.

We want more fun.

We want more wholesome moments.

We want unlimited support.

We want to belong in community.

We want to thrive in community.

We desire to empower communities in the process.

If that sounds like you, what are you waiting for Queen?

Take action today and come join me inside my on-demand workshop to learn how to upgrade your life to start living aspects of your dream life sooner rather than later. <3

What do I gain out of watching this workshop series?


Gain clarity on the foundational key that's needed before you can jump into your dream life.


Gain clarity on the role that you believe fills your heart, soul, and mind.


Walk away with rough framework to what living your best life looks like based on the audit process


Walk away with rough framework to what living your dream life looks like based on the audit process

Time to 

Level Up 


Like Never Before 



Freedom is the ultimate key to living your dream life.

A skill that has been lost over the course of time as we are growing up is the ability to be curious and be someone who constantly chases the “why” to get to where we need to go.

What do I mean by that? Well, let me tell you but, first let me ask you a question.

Let me set the scene, you were a child who was in 3rd grade and at some point you were asked what do you want to be when you grow up?

Great, sit on that for a minute. What was your answer?

Well. If you are like me, my dream was

not related to money, fame, status or anything outside of me.

 It was related to what I loved at the time.

I wanted to become an author because I loved the magic that the written word brough to my life when I was read my books. I also realized that I also loved writing as a subject which is something that is still a part of my life as an adult.

So as you can see.. this is the answer that comes from the first or second time that an adult asks you out of curiosity.

At some point when you are navigating your life , you keep sticking with the answer that resonates with your heart, mind, and soul… someone shuts that dream down. 

People start tearing down that beautiful dream that you've had since forever by telling you that “it's unrealistic” or “that won't be something that you can make a living of.”

Well, I'm hear to tell you that I am not in the business of doing that.

We only want more money and the ability to work less because we want freedom, time, and more leisure.

It isn't because of money.

So, I am here to tell you that the most important thing in your life to start living your best life and dream life that you've been yearning sooner rather than later.

You guessed it, money is not the focus here. Money is simply a by-product and a vehicle to enhance your ability to live your dream life faster but, it doesn't mean that you will have the ability to sustain it and enjoy the ride while you are getting there.

My workshop here at the end of the day is help you use my framework as a starting point to redirect yourself back into your heart, mind, and soul.

True freedom is living exactly on your terms centering yourself as you are the main character in your life AND being in community with others. By community I am mean having a strong reliable network of support friends, chosen family, and all the people within the communities you serve and/or are a part of.

It's time to take a heart-centered approach matters into your own hands by stepping into your own power and gifts without having to conform to societal norms, unrealistic expectations, and settling for less. 

You can start by gaining clarity today.

Okaay, here's what's inside the workshop"


Foundational Framework To Initiate The Process To Gain Clarity In Your Own Identity


Essential Framework That Is Your Guiding Compass As To Your Destined Role In The World Which Resonates With You Everyday


How To Design Your Best Life Leading With Your Heart, Mind, & Soul as The Leader


How To Design Your Dream Life Leading With Your Heart, Mind, & Soul as The Leader


Elexus Liggins

A few years ago, I was mid-panic attack and thought to myself, “Oh shit, I need real help.”

As a woman of color, I was burnt out. I was carrying the weight of multiple relationships on my back, one of which was most certainly emotionally abusive. And even in this realization, I had no idea HOW to move forward.

My immediate thought? Shed everything. Break up with the boyfriend. Friends. Never go out into the patriarchal world again. I just wanted to burn it all down and feel safe.

Why I didn’t burn it all down:

It’s never that easy. In the end, I got help - it looked like therapy, coaching, and a lot of time spent with myself. That valley of darkness gave light to a whole new path for me, though.

You don’t have to, either:

Now, I empower heart-centered and impact-driven women of color like you to live a life filled with ease and fulfillment to consistently experience unlimited joy and support throughout your journey.

Like me, you can find more time to prioritize rest and relaxation without guilt, confidently engage with the side of you that enjoys witty banter, and frequently engage with things that bring more FUN into your life.

YOU can have it all!

You deserve reliable and almost unconditional support. You deserve to live a meaningful and satisfying life where you have it all - high quality relationships, opportunities, and environments without sacrificing community.

You can life wayyyyy more than you ever have before, even if you have not yet reached a place of ease. 

Dream lives are bound to blossom when alignment,  intentionality, and active effort are centered .

Say “Heck Yes!” to unlock the keys to design your dream life with more ease and joy

Terms & Conditions

Thanks to Kylie's bundle, Birthday BaSH!

You have unlocked this freebie.

Welcome to your special training, The Life Audit Workshop.

This virtual interactive session is dedicated to help you make progress on building a life you love ! <3

It's setup as free for the main workshop but in case there are mishaps:

please Enter Your Discount Code At Check oUT: BIRTHDAYBASHVIP